One thing I love about homeschooling is the flexibility it provides, not only for what material I teach my kids, but how I do it. Science is one of the tricky subjects that often requires a bit of introspection for homeschooling parents. Do you want to use a prepackaged curriculum, or combine many eclectic sources of your own choosing? And just how will you tackle the issue of providing hands-on activities and science experiments for your child? Is science your specialty, or would you rather someone else teach your kids about changes in matter, the biology of amphibians, and what elements and atoms are? There are so many questions to consider, and for new homeschoolers especially, it's often best to decide what you're looking for before you start looking. Would an online science program be best for you? Or maybe science enrichment classes at your local children's museum? All of these options have merit, and many others are worth considering too. Remember, there are as many ways to homeschool as there are homeschoolers!
Of all the subjects I struggle with, I'm glad science isn't one of them. The hubs loves doing science with the boys, and the fact that they want to be the next Mythbusters doesn't hurt either. :D