Sunday, October 6, 2013

Nutrition Analogies To Learn Vocabulary

Worm is to apple as cow is to___________.

Anyone know the answer to the analogy?  GRASS! (Because we all know that happy, healthy cows eat grass, right?  Not corn or grain or whatever else!)

Try this one.
vitamin C : oranges
_______ :  milk

Oranges contain vitamin C.  What important nutrient is found in milk?  Calcium!

Yea!  You're on a roll!  How about one more?
red, shiny : apple
yellow, curved : __________

Banana!  Analogies aren't just for the SAT test anymore.  Homeschooling kids can really enjoy analogies, and if you start when your kids are young, they'll have lots of time to master them before SAT-time.

It might be something fun and different to pass the time this winter.  If you send me your nutrition analogies, I'll compile a list of them to post on the blog.  Give it a try!  

1 comment:

  1. My eldest (9th grade) enjoys analogies, but my wee one (4th grade) struggles. We have to practice more with him, but he is willing to play games and use flash cards and such. That's good. :) I don't have any nutrition analogies to add just yet, but I will be looking forward to checking back for that list!

